Kickstart your


Our programme will connect you with incredible opportunities to do a year of paid work at environmental organisations alongside a community of other young people starting your careers together.

You’ll gain hands-on experience, learn transferable skills and build connections that will help you grow your career in the environmental sector and beyond.

We want to transform the environmental sector and make it accessible to everyone. That’s why we have a particular focus on supporting 18-25 year olds from communities currently underrepresented in the sector. 

Stephanie’s experience

Watch Stephanie's story and find out more about what it's like being a part of our programme!

How it works

Your year is about more than just doing a job - it’s a chance to build your confidence and develop new skills you can use in whatever you do next, all whilst having a real impact on our environment.

Our offer to you is to make sure you have everything you need to thrive, in your role and as you start to build your career, helping you create a better future for our planet.

What’s in
it for you

We want to make sure that you get the most out of this year and leave feeling empowered to create positive change in the world.

Here’s some of what you’ll get out of our programme:

  • Earn a real living wage 

  • Gain hands-on experience

  • Join a community of trainees 

  • Get tailored career support 

  • Grow your confidence

Blob shape with image of a young woman smiling wearing glasses, green overalls and a pink lanyard
A yellow blob with green text overlaid that reads '"It's good to feel involved, to feel like you can have an impact." - Ed, YES trainee'

How you’ll
make an impact

Environmental jobs actively contribute to preserving and restoring our planet.

From protecting nature to installing solar
panels, you’ll be working in roles and organisations on the front-line of preventing nature and climate catastrophe.

We offer a variety of roles across different departments, such as project planning and design, policy and strategy, communications, fundraising, administration, and project delivery. So whether you want to get hands-on and work outdoors or you’re more suited to an office environment, there's something for everyone.

You’ll be working in organisations that have a focus in one of the following areas:

Green blob with a yellow icon of a bee and a flower overlaid

Nature recovery and urban greening

Bringing more green spaces and wildlife back into our lives.

These can be organisations protecting and creating ecosystems, managing nature reserves, creating urban green spaces such as community gardens, or encouraging people to connect with nature.

Organisations you could work for:

Green blob with a yellow icon of a wind turbine overlaid

energy transition

Moving away from fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas and switching to cleaner, greener energy sources such as wind, solar and hydropower.

For example, organisations installing, generating or supplying renewable energy,

Organisations you could work for:

A green blob with a yellow icon of a house overlaid

Sustainable built environment

Creating buildings and spaces that are
eco-friendly and energy-efficient.

These could be organisations focused on retrofitting buildings, green architecture and water saving systems.

Organisations you could work for:

A green blob with a yellow icon of a seedling growing with a circular arrow overlaid

Circular economy

Rethinking how we produce and use goods to create a more sustainable future.

Organisations focusing on reducing our material consumption, such as pollution prevention, reuse and repair, renting and leasing of products, and recycling of materials and resources.

Organisations you could work for:

A green blob with a yellow icon of a person cycling overlaid

Green transport systems

Finding cleaner, greener ways to move people and goods around.

This includes public transport, improving cycling and walking infrastructure, and installing EV charging stations

Organisations you could work for:

A green blob with a yellow icon of a seedling growing in a pot overlaid

Food and farming

Growing and producing food in ways that work in harmony with the environment.

For example, organisations running market gardens, small holdings and farms, as well as green agri-tech businesses and food hubs.

Organisations you could work for:

Green blob with yellow icon of a house in a flood overlaid

Climate resilience

Preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change in our communities.

This could be raising public awareness and readiness, improving flood defences and designing smarter, nature based solutions.

Organisations you could work for:

A young person with spiky orange hair in a natural outdoor space holding two small fruit trees in pots

Learn more about environmental careers

We know it can be overwhelming to figure out what type of job is right for you, but we’ve hand-picked some resources which set out a variety of different pathways you might be interested in pursuing. 

  • The Institute for Environmental Management has a Green Careers Hub which share loads of information about types of green careers and the skills you need to pursue them.

  • On Lantra’s website you can find their Careers Hub where you can explore the different industries within the environmental sector, the pathways into them and hear from people working in the sector.  

  • CIEEM created Green Jobs for Nature where you can discover the variety of nature-focused jobs available to you, explore pathways into the sector and read job profiles on people working in nature.

A young woman wearing a red top and red gloves managing a fire at a fireplace in the woods